An admirable sencha. It has a strong aroma and an obvious taste. The brewing instructions on the package are economical and yield a good cup. This tea reminds me of a sencha I had from Mobata. Mobata is one of my favourite senchas, so that is no complaint.
Advantages: Good price
Obvious, delicious flavour
Wonderful fragrance

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Ratings and Reviews of Sae Midori Sencha
Customer reviews
- Edward GallantMay 16, 2014, 21:25
- David BrittonApr 30, 2014, 12:00The enjoyment began as soon as the bag was opened. I immediately noticed the very pleasant and fresh aroma. Being shincha, I still used quite a bit of leaf but lowered the water temperature to 158. The first brew was 60 seconds, the second immediately poured, the third about 30. This tea is very green as only Japanese tea can be. Brewed as above, it had some astringency, which I like, but this could easily be tamed, if desired, by using less leaf. Next time I'll increase the third brew to about 45 seconds; the first two were close to perfect as is. This is a first-rate tea, 5 stars all the way.
Advantages: Easy to brew but start with lower water temperature, less leaf and shorter brew times and increase from there, as desired.
Disadvantages: Those who don't care for astringency need to reduce their brewing parameters. Since this is shincha it should be brewed different than the same tea would be brewed later in the year. Cut down the leaf, temperature and brew times! - Charles CookApr 23, 2014, 01:15I love this tea. The taste is bright and grassy; and it is easy to brew. Quite a beautiful tea to wake up to in the morning.
- Laurie MillerSep 28, 2013, 23:53I think I've drunk more of this tea than any other. Fukamushis can be too powerful for me, but this one brewed with less leaf, very short infusions, and a few tricks with the temperature produces a wonderful grassy-sweet sencha that suits my delicate palate.
Advantages: Adapts well to varied brewing parameters to get it exactly how you want it. And the way I drink it, it's quite cheap, since I don't use much leaf.
Disadvantages: As with most fukamushis, that second infusion packs a wallop. I tend to dilute it in the cup. - Tasnim AnwarMay 23, 2013, 12:00My very first shincha! Easy to brew (this is my second sencha), as long as you use a pocket weight scale and thermometer. Be sure to use a teapot suitable for fukamushi.
Best results when brewed at 79 C for 45 s, 20 - 30 s, and 45 - 60 s, respectively. The first infusion is light green, quite clear in appearance, and tastes like an exceptional 2nd infusion of Daily Sencha (the only sencha I have tried before this one). The second infusion is incredible: cloudy, forest green, with bold, sweet, and grassy taste, and very little to no astringency. The third infusion is very similar to the second infusion, but may be slightly lacking in flavour depending on the second infusion brew time. - Ashley SpicerApr 24, 2013, 12:00My very first loose leaf green tea and my very first Shincha.
Advantages: Sweet, umami. Has a wonderful and long lived sweet aftertaste.
Disadvantages: has a slight astringency (I am used to drink matcha) but its not intense.