Green Tea Gift Set
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Ratings and Reviews of Green Tea Gift Set

Score: 5.00 (votes: 10)
Reviews: 10
Score: 5.00 (votes: 10)
Reviews: 10
Rating of votes (10)
Customer reviews
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  • Serene Soh
    Dec 26, 2016, 18:42
    I liked Miyagi and the tea containers are just the right size.
  • Alex Gyarmaty
    Aug 17, 2016, 13:15
    This is a great starter set and a good value too.
  • Andrew Carrier
    Mar 6, 2016, 08:35
    A great introduction to sencha. Yutaka Midori and Miyabi are both top notch green teas and the tins are quite attractive and very airtight -- you can hear the air being expelled as you push the outer lid down. As a bonus, the inner lids are very handy to weigh tea on. Highly recommended!
  • Sean Hardcastle
    Jun 30, 2015, 06:36
    This was a small gift to myself. It truly is a gift worth receiving. Two great teas and two very nice tea caddies, that really are air tight.

    Advantages: Two lovely tea caddies to keep your teas in.
  • Vincent Carriere Marleau
    Oct 24, 2014, 21:53
    Perfect set! The 2 teas are awesome and the canisters are perfect and air tight!
  • Winifred Leung
    Jun 8, 2014, 12:00
    Wonderful gift or treat for yourself to try out two of the best selling teas O-Cha has to offer.

    Advantages: Two great teas in beautiful containers that can be reused. Printed canister is durable and very airtight. 

    Disadvantages: 80 grams of each tea rather than standard 100 gram bag.
  • Anthony Mann
    May 9, 2014, 00:17
    Excellent set. Two wonderful teas and a pair of lovely tins. Highly recommend for newbies or connoisseurs.
  • Earle Wallbank
    Apr 6, 2013, 12:00
    Beautifully decorated set. Very well sealed and the internal lid can be used for weighing out the tea.

    Advantages: Great quality.
    Internal lid can be used for weighing out the tea. 
  • Olivier Coclet
    Mar 3, 2009, 09:00
    Two airtight canisters with two excellent sencha.

    A nice teagift for a friend, or for yourselves.
  • Matt Black
    Jan 16, 2009, 09:00
    This is a good deal, both teas inside are stellar, and it comes with some nice canisters too. My favorite of the two teas inside would have to be the Yutaka Midori, but the Miyabi isn't without it's own personal charm. Plus with two great canisters!

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