Livraison mensuelle automatique

Save 10%!

Below is a list of products which our customers may subscribe to and have delivered on a monthly basis, using your credit card or PayPal. If there is an item you would like to receive automatically on a regular basis and you don't see it here, please contact us and let us know and we will make a subscription for you.

Important Subscription Conditions - Please Read Before Subscribing

1) Be aware that this is not a one time purchase, you are saving 10% off of the regular price by signing up for a monthly delivery and your credit card or PayPal account will be billed automatically once a month.

2) Since subscription products automatically are reduced by 10%, additional bonus points will not accumulated on subiscription products.

3) Please only use this if you actually intend to subscribe. In cases where a subscription is used for a one time only savings and then the subscription is subsequently withdrawn shortly afterwards, we will deny the purchaser the ability to make  subscriptions on future orders.

4) To stop the subscription - if using a credit card you can stop the subscription from your account or contact us and let us know you wish to stop and we will cancel the subcription. For PayPal subscriptions, please hit "UNSUBSCRIBE".

5) Know that we do not store your credit card data, we do not have access to that at all, we never see it. Instead only a special token on the side of the payment processor that can be used in this store only is saved. The token instructs payment processor to use a credit card which you used on first purchase but it doesn't actually contain any of your credit card details.

6) All products are shipped by 1st class mail without tracking by default.

To subscribe by credit card instead of PayPal - Click Here



 Below is a list of products which our customers may subscribe and have automatically charged and delivered on a monthly basis using PayPal (available to non-PayPal members as well using a regular credit card).

 To unsubscribe later, navigate back here and click this link: "UNSUBSCRIBE"


Currently Active PayPal Subscription Products

If there is an item you would like to receive automatically on a regular basis and you don't see it here, please contact us and let us know and we will make a subscription for you.


Product Description


PRICE per Month

(Includes Shipping Fee)

Click to Subscribe Via Pay Pal

(Regular credit cards accepted, opens new window)

Chiran Sencha ¥1,860 JPY Click to SUBSCRIBE
Kagoshima Sencha Sae Midori ¥2,670 JPY Click to SUBSCRIBE
Uji Sencha Miyabi ¥2,490 JPY Click to SUBSCRIBE
Kagoshima Sencha Yutaka Midori ¥2,670 JPY Click to SUBSCRIBE
Uji Sencha Musashi ¥2,040 JPY Click to SUBSCRIBE
Uji Sencha Otsuusan ¥1,770 JPY Click to SUBSCRIBE
Kabusecha ¥1,950 JPY Click to SUBSCRIBE
Daily Sencha ¥1,310 JPY Click to SUBSCRIBE
Uji Organic Powdered Sencha ¥1,230 JPY Click to SUBSCRIBE



Product Description


PRICE per Month

(Includes Shipping Fee)

Click to Subscribe Via Pay Pal

(Regular credit cards accepted, opens new window)

Uji Gyokuro Shou-un ¥2,760 JPY Click to SUBSCRIBE
Yame Gyokuro ¥2,760 JPY Click to SUBSCRIBE



Product Description


PRICE per Month

(Includes Shipping Fee)

Click to Subscribe Via Pay Pal

(Regular credit cards accepted, opens new window)

Organic Matcha Kaoru Supreme ¥3,210 JPY Click to SUBSCRIBE
Organic Matcha Kaoru ¥2,220 JPY Click to SUBSCRIBE
Kiku Mukashi ¥2,310 JPY Click to SUBSCRIBE
Kiri no Mori ¥1,680 JPY Click to SUBSCRIBE
Uji Organic Matcha ¥1,500 JPY Click to SUBSCRIBE 


Registered Mail Option (for Europe and Asia customers) 

If you would like to have tracking with your order, the best way is to upgrade to registered mail.  Keep in mind that the delivery time will be the same but you will have to sign for it and if you are not at home, it will probably mean a trip to the post office.  Also remember that any order not signed for within 10 days is usually returned to us. However, if you would like to have tracking, consider adding the registered mail option at the same time as you place the monthly delivery order. The fee for this is an additional ¥410 JPY (About US $4.00).  To add registered mail to your monthly subscription, click here.



Credit Card Subscription Products Below:

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